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About Us

Bringing History to Life for 50 Years


From out of the past and into the present comes the Appalachian Wagon Train (AWT). Originally organized in 1970 to celebrate the 175th anniversary of Somerset County, PA, the AWT has become an annual event to bring about awareness of the historic sites and happenings that took place in the Appalachian region of Pennsylvania.
We travel with our own support, including chuck wagon, souvenir wagon, port-a-johns, and water.
Our association is fronted by our officers: President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer. We also have a Board of Directors and different committees including the: Trail Committee, Chuck Wagon, Souvenir Wagon, Yearbook, Postmaster, Youth group, and Photography committees. While out on the trail, our Wagon Master, Chief Scout, and Scouts take care of us and ensure our safety as we travel.
We have a membership of approximately 150 families. Dues are $10.00 per member over the age of 18. A one time $25.00 initiation fee is required per extended family. Trek registration fees apply to members who wish to travel.

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